Natural Light Photographer


*Bundles of Joy*

*Vanishing Moments*

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

3-years-old for Only 3 More Days

For only 3 more days he'll be 3! He's been the best buddy I could have imagined. He usually carries in each hand an Army-guy or a car.
He chooses to wear his Wellies every where we go.
I love how his blue eyes have specks of my color in them.
If you ask him who is best friend is, he will say "Mama".
He can make me laugh so hard that he laughs harder and then he ends up with the double hiccups.
He loves his sisters (a lot)!
He is a little ray of sunshine.
Happy Birthday, sweet boy!  You light up our lives!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Paris Over a Very Thankful Thanksgiving

 And of course we enjoyed Disneyland Paris!

We had a wonderful time in Paris but were so very happy to finally come home to this side of the English channel!